Population Served:


Asian-American Resource Center is the only-profit organization that serves one of the fast growing population in the Inland Empire with over 300,000 Asian American and other ethnic groups in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties who still remain to be the most underserved, isolated and hard-to-reach residents.


The Center's programs and services are open to people of all races and ethnicities.


The Asian-American Resource Center has implemented several innovative programs and services to cater to the Asian-American communities as well as other enthnic groups. For the past 15 years, the Center has succeeded in helping many hundreds of Asian-American and others to adjust socially and economically by providing educational, informational, and developmental services to improve their overal health and well-being and ultimately help them in becoming self-sufficient. The Center is unique because we are the sole and leading advocate for Asian-Americans and other minority groups in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.

Upcoming Events

Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/aarc.ie


Click here for Map


1133 South “E” Street
San Bernardino, CA 92408

Office: (909) 383-0164
Fax: (909) 383-7687 


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